After Husband’s Death, Woman Splits Inheritance with Younger Son and Gives Nothing to Older Son — Story of the Day

Melissa and Peter were loving parents to two boys. After Peter’s death, Melissa shared the insurance payout with her younger son whose actions after receiving the money changed…

My Parents Abandoned Me and My Younger Siblings When I Was 15 — Years Later They Knocked on My Door Smiling

Tori’s world shatters when her cruel parents abandon her and her two little brothers, leaving them to fend for themselves. Years later, just as she begins to rebuild…

At 69, Kevin Costner gets re-do to “look younger” after shock divorce, claims insider

It’s not unusual for one or both parties to switch things up in the wake of a divorce. New clothes perhaps? A new car? Possibly a new hair-do,…

Children Learn Their 62-Year-Old Mom Is Seeing a Younger Man and Excluded Them from Her Will — Story of the Day

A 62-year-old woman starts dating a younger man and her children are outraged and demand she stop seeing him, but her response stuns them. Gail Sutherland considered herself…

Celine Dion, 56, responds to romance rumors over younger companion, eight years after death of husband

It’s been eight years since Celine Dion lost the love of her life, husband and manager Rene Angelil, but the superstar singer has made it very clear that…

Cher reveals the brutally honest reason she dates younger men

If you’ve ever wondered why Cher seemingly refuses to date someone her own age, well the iconic star has a fairly simple reason, and to be honest it…

Kate Hudson, 45, Is Getting Married ‘Soon’: Meet Her Younger Man Who Received Mixed Reactions from Fans

Kate Hudson revealed that she would soon tie the knot with her fiance, Danny Fujikawa. However, the public’s perception of him remains mixed. Many have taken their thoughts…

Husband Leaves Wife & Child for Younger Woman, Years Later Daughter Becomes His Boss — Story of the Day

William abandons his wife and daughter to start a new life with his young mistress. But things change years later, and when William least expects things to go…

Younger brother asks sister with Down Syndrome to be Maid of Honor at his wedding

Perhaps the most beautiful thing about the love shared between siblings is that it is so very unconditional. As brothers and sisters we often fight, call each other…

Teen returns lost bag full of cash to owner after finding it at grocery store – restores faith in younger generation

It is always nice to remember that sometimes strangers can be kind. With everything going wrong in the world, reading a story about kindness towards strangers really helps…