This high school heartthrob’s evolution into TV legend is truly inspiring

The late James Gandolfini wasn’t always the hulking, balding man the world grew to love as a ruthless yet sensitive mobster on The Sopranos. Iconic for his portrayal…

At 71, Roseanne Barr has made a truly stunning transformation – this is her today

This month, actress and stand-up comedian Roseanne Barr celebrated turning 71, and what an amazing 71 years she has had! Between her extensive on-screen career and the challenges…

Visual test: if you find the hidden donut in 15 seconds you have truly formidable eyesight.

In various situations, it becomes apparent that we often overlook numerous details in our surroundings. While our eyes capture everything within our line of sight, many details escape…

Farrah Fawcett’s close friend reveals details of actress’s last weeks alive, and they’re truly heartbreaking

“Charlie’s Angels” star Farah Fawcett was determined to survive her fight with cancer right up until the bitter end, according to close friend Alana Stewart. After her initial…