I Found Strange Pictures of My Dad in My Roommate’s Bedside Drawer – Story of the Day

My roommate, Emily, and I were close until I found photos of my dad in her bedside drawer. She claimed they were harmless, but the intimate hug I…

Strange detail on Prince George’s birth certificate has royal fans confused

Prince George has had a summer of fun with his parents and siblings. School is not set to start for another couple of weeks, and as the future…

Woman discovers strange snake-like creature – you won’t believe what it really is

In the quiet town of Santa Fe in Argentina, 46-year-old Lujan Eroles experienced a moment of shock and awe when she stumbled upon a peculiar creature in her…

The man found a strange feature that gave him the chills while photographing his partner!

Love is an emotion that others cannot control. It is an internal emotion that is unique to each person. When two individuals are indeed in love, they don’t…

Scientists find strange “Yellow Brick Road” at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean

Given how long humans called the Earth home, it’s a veritable wonder that there are still so many unexplained phenomenons, so many things to learn and take in….