Steve Harvey shares tearjerking story about his wife Marjorie – she was once accused of destroying his previous marriage

Steve Harvey is the living proof that no matter how tough life is, there is always a way back. The now-legendary Family Feud host once wanted to be…

This heartwarming prom story goes viral again and everyone understands why

Every now and again, ordinary people perform extraordinary acts that renew our confidence in humanity.Why not forward this heartfelt post that was shared on Facebook a few years…

Little son walks widowed mom down aisle, hands her a box saying, ‘Dad wanted you to open this now’ – Story of the day

Losing a spouse is hard, but losing a parents is even harder. When a woman named Claire lost her husband, she and her young son were left all…

Couple has 3 sets of twins in less than 5 years, but that’s not the craziest part of this story

When an old family friend contacted Carrie and Craig Kosinski and asked them if they could take care of her young twins, they said “yes.” Carrie and Craig…

Man Helps Poor Lady & Gets Fired for Being Late, Gets Job Back after She Storms into Boss’s Office — Story of the Day

Jacob lost his first stable job in a while just because he chose to help an older woman that morning. He didn’t expect the sweet, helpless old woman…

Old Lady Kicks Out Her Two Daughters, One Was Pregnant, the Other Had a Newborn — Story of the Day

Mrs. Halls evicted her daughters from the house on a wintry evening, despite their continuous pleadings. But the old woman wasn’t entirely to blame for what happened that…

‘Little Miss Dynamite’ blew up the charts when she was only 12: The story of Brenda Lee

Brenda Lee’s name may not be as recognizable as some of the other music stars from the 1960s but when you think of Christmas, you’ll know her song,…

The ‘absolute legend’ Kate Beckinsale finally tells the story of how Keanu Reeves saved her.

In Hollywood, actor Keanu Reeves has one of the best reputations. The actor is renowned for maintaining a low profile while caring for those around him. The fact…

Mom shares touching story of raising a daughter with Treacher Collins Syndrome

When little Bella was born in October 25, 2018 , Eliza Bahneman and her husband’s lives changed forever. Bella surprised her parents by arriving a few weeks early…

The ‘absolute legend’ Kate Beckinsale finally tells the story of how Keanu Reeves saved her

In Hollywood, actor Keanu Reeves has one of the best reputations. The actor is renowned for maintaining a low profile while caring for those around him. The fact…