My DIL Wants Me to Babysit Her Kids 9 Hours a Day for a Week & Sets Lists of Conditions

When a woman’s daughter-in-law finally got a job after being out of the workforce for a while due to being a stay-at-home mom, she asked the grandmother if…

Couple has 3 sets of twins in 5 years after being told they can’t have kids, they all share the same birthday

Carrie and Craig Kosinski responded positively when a long-lost family friend requested them to watch her infant twins. Carrie and Craig offered to temporarily assume custody of the…

Couple has 3 sets of twins in less than 5 years, but that’s not the craziest part of this story

When an old family friend contacted Carrie and Craig Kosinski and asked them if they could take care of her young twins, they said “yes.” Carrie and Craig…

Las Vegas couple doubled down with four sets of back-to-back multiples, all conceived naturally

While the chance of having quintuplets, triplets or twins is rare, the likelihood of having multiple multiples in one family is like hitting the baby jackpot. That’s what…

Jennifer Grey Sets the Record Straight About Her Relationship with Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing

Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze’s relationship, both on and off-screen, is an iconic and enduring part of Hollywood’s romantic history. The two actors first came together in the…