Husband kisses wife’s head before delivery and whispers 5 words – 1 hour later he’s a single dad to quadruplets

It’s difficult to describe the emotions we feel the first time we find our we’re going to be parents. Whether we’re expectant mothers or fathers it makes little…

Amidst the pandemic, the mother gives birth to identical quadruplets, and they’re absolutely stunning

Jenny Marr would have been forgiven for thinking there was something wrong with her unborn baby when her doctor had a peculiar look on her face during the…

Amidst the pandemic, a mother gives birth to identical quadruplets – and they are absolutely stunning

Jenny Marr would have been forgiven for thinking there was something wrong with her unborn baby when her doctor had a peculiar look on her face during the…

After his wife died giving birth, heartbroken single dad dedicates his life to his quadruplets

Welcoming a child to the world is a truly life-changing experience, and one that’s difficult to explain to anyone who hasn’t been through it themselves. I think we…

After 14 years, the woman delivered quadruplets who are identical to each other: Here’s how the girls appear now

Multiple pregnancies are rare occurrences, with the likelihood of having twins estimated at only 2%, and the chances of quadruplets calculated at one case in several tens of…

Mom delivers identical quadruplets during pandemic – and they’re beautiful

Jenny Marr would have been forgiven for thinking there was something wrong with her unborn baby when her doctor had a peculiar look on her face during the…

Mom has quadruplets without using fertility, then doctor notices something special

When Jenny Marr’s obstetrician had an odd expression on her face during the first ultrasound, Jenny Marr may have been excused for thinking there was a problem with…

Identical quadruplets made headlines around the world 17 years ago – this is what they look like today

While news of quadruplets is more normal now, it used to be something rare back in the day. The news of this family having identical quadruplets made global…