Woman Goes to Neighbor’s Garage Sale, Finds Her Missing Daughter’s Jacket — Story of the Day

Kaylee’s daughter, Amanda, went missing two weeks ago. Both Kaylee and the police have been making significant efforts to find her, but there hasn’t been even a trace…

Man creates his dream home and upsets neighbors after painting it Pepto-Bismol pink

It’s every homeowner’s fear that they will end up with troublesome neighbors. But what happens if after you’ve moved in your neighbor changes their house so much it…

Vegan woman takes neighbors to court for barbecuing meat in their backyard

Noisy neighbors are never pleasant. Cilla Carden can tell you all about noisy neighbors because hers have become a nuisance. In fact, they’ve become so bothersome that she…

My New Neighbors Bullied Me, So My Only Son Helped Me Teach Them a Valuable Lesson

After Maureen loses her husband, her son encourages her to move closer to him and his family. So, she packs up her entire life and moves into a…

Neighbors got together, collected $10 000 and repaired the poor elderly pensioner’s house

Today’s incredible story will help everyone restore their belief in humanity. The legislation of New Jersey, USA, requires all the owners to keep their properties, more specifically their…