Boy, 13, lands major movie role after being mercilessly bullied

Quaden Bayles first captured global attention in 2020 after heart-wrenching footage of him sobbing and pleading for “rope” to end his life due to relentless bullying at school…

Late Titanic star Bill Paxton revealed true feelings about his own fearful experience of submersible dive for movie

The movie Titanic was perhaps one of the biggest films in history. The film, which was inspired by real-life events, is one of the most loved movies by…

Legendary actor Sidney Poitier fell for his wife of 45 years on a movie set

As the first Black man to win an Oscar, Sidney Poitier’s six-decade career has been credited with paving the way for so many other Black actors. Following his…

Sam Elliott’s real life love story is straight out of a Hollywood movie

Some Hollywood stars get our attention for living glamorous, larger-than-life lives. Others, like Hollywood heartthrob Sam Elliott, have attracted attention for a completely different reason: proving to the…

At 93, Clint Eastwood was seen filming a new movie in Georgia.

The legendary 93-year-old actor Clint Eastwood was recently spotted in Savannah, Georgia, where he has been busy filming his most recent masterwork, “Juror #2.” As Clint Eastwood’s last…

At 93, Clint Eastwood was seen filming a new movie in Georgia.

The legendary 93-year-old actor Clint Eastwood was recently spotted in Savannah, Georgia, where he has been busy filming his most recent masterwork, “Juror #2.” As Clint Eastwood’s last…