Millionaire Accidentally Finds Out His Only Daughter Lives in an Old Trailer with Twin Babies — Story of the Day

A millionaire is stunned when he finds out that his only daughter is living an impoverished life with her twin babies in an old trailer, and he rushes…

Millionaire Matchmaker makes tragic claim about Jennifer Lopez’s future ahead of “imminent” Ben Affleck divorce

The “imminent” separation of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck could have long-standing ramifications for the former beyond the heartbreak of divorce. That’s according to Millionaire Matchmaker‘s Patti Stanger,…

Millionaire Mocks Poor Woman with 3 Kids on Business Class Flight until Pilot Interrupts Him — Story of the Day

A millionaire judges a mother-of-three and criticizes her for flying business class, but when the pilot announces their arrival with a special announcement for the woman, all his…

After Millionaire Husband’s Death, Old Widow Is Forced to Live In Dirty Old Trailer – Story of the Day

After Ethan Jenkins’s death, his widow, Myra, discovered that his entire estate would go to his newest business partner, Carl Ferguson, so she was forced to live in…

Rude Clerk Mocks Poorly Dressed Lady in Luxury Bridal Shop, Soon Learns She’s Marrying a Millionaire — Karma Story

Betty was looking for a dress for her upcoming wedding at a luxury bridal shop. After being ostracized by one of the employees because of how she was…

Millionaire Accidentally Learns His Elderly Mother Lives in Old Abandoned Hothouse — Story of the Day

A millionaire discovers that his estranged elderly mother had been living in an old abandoned hothouse through a news piece on TV. After finding out about her, he…

Stewardess Breaks the Rules to Talk Some Sense into Raging Son of a Millionaire during a Flight – Story of the Day

Monica was tired of the spoiled rich boy who always flew with their airline. He was loud, rude, and didn’t care about the other passengers on the plane….