My Wife Threw My Mother Out like Some Kind of Stray Dog, Regrets It Later – Story of the Day

Man’s father just died and he invited his mom to live with him. But the evil wife started to treat his mom poorly and she threw her out…

Son of Johnny Cash tells heartwarming story of father, says he was a “loving and kind man”

Growing up as a child to famous parents must be tough. Sure, there probably will be money and security and all, but often times these children are assumed…

This kind 8-year-old paid off his friend’s school lunch debt after he was denied food

With all that’s going on in the world, sometimes it’s lovely to see how kind humans can be. Take eight-year-old Cayden Taipalus, for example, whose compassion and heart…

Kind man gives up his seat to 94-year-old stranger, moving her to tears

These days it’s all too easy to fall into the mindset that the world is simply a place where despair and chaos reign supreme. The mainstream media outlets,…

People called the poor dog ‘werewolf’ because they simply didn’t know what kind of animal he was

In Madera Ranchos, California, a bizarre creature that resembled a “werewolf” stood on the side of the road close to an orchard. Everyone was afraid to even look…