As Sissy Spacek celebrates her 73rd birthday, she knows that her biggest gift in life is the love and support of her one and only, Jack Fisk.

Sissy Fisk is 73 years old and has been married to her husband for 50 years. The couple is enjoying their quiet farm life and still has no…

Jack Nicholson makes first public appearance in years at Lakers game — see him today

Jack Nicholson is widely regarded as one of the greatest film actors of his generation, with iconic roles in The Shining, Chinatown and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s…

Fans defend Jack Nicholson after photos show the 85-year-old looking ‘disheveled’ and ‘unrecognizable’

Jack Nicholson is widely regarded as one of the greatest film actors of his generation, as well as one of Hollywood’s most recognizable celebrities: He was always known…