Mama dog found tied up in woods along with her 8 puppies — now they’re in safe hands

It was a heartbreaking sight as a mama dog and her eight puppies were found abandoned, fending for themselves — but now they’re getting an inspiring new start….

Mama cat places her dying kitten in man’s hands, receives a response she will never forget

All pets truly deserve a loving home. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case for our beloved furry friends who brighten our days on this earth. But thankfully, there…

Little son walks widowed mom down aisle, hands her a box saying, ‘Dad wanted you to open this now’ – Story of the day

Losing a spouse is hard, but losing a parents is even harder. When a woman named Claire lost her husband, she and her young son were left all…

Donnie Wahlberg hands single mom jaw-dropping tip at IHOP – tells her “open it when we leave”

With the way the world is today, it’s hardly a surprise many people are forced to work their fingers to the bone just to get by. You’ve likely…