Late Titanic star Bill Paxton revealed true feelings about his own fearful experience of submersible dive for movie

The movie Titanic was perhaps one of the biggest films in history. The film, which was inspired by real-life events, is one of the most loved movies by…

People show mixed feelings over this sign

In recent years, law enforcement officers have faced increasingly complex and dangerous situations. Unfortunately, too many have been unfairly targeted and attacked, and others have incorrectly assumed that…

These parents have strong feelings about their daughter staying up late to read

As parents, we tend to raise our children at the best of our abilities no matter the sacrifice it takes. When we see them thrive and turn into…

Jennifer Grey expresses her feelings about Patrick Swayze.

Dirty Dancing, the legendary 1987 film, is a fan favorite that will almost always be at the top of people’s lists. The principal actor, the late Patrick Swayze,…