My Greedy Mother-in-Law Ate My Dinner & Made a Facebook Post Instead of Apologizing

After a woman cooked dinner for her children, husband, and mother-in-law, she left her portion of food for herself while she completed a chore. When she returned to…

A waitress receives a ‘$0’ tip on a ‘$187’ bill – her furious Facebook post goes viral

If you or anyone you care about has ever worked in the service industry in the US, you’ll know all too well just how important the act of…

Waitress gets ‘$0’ tip on ‘$187’ bill – her angry Facebook post goes viral

If you or anyone you care about has ever worked in the service industry in the US, you’ll know all too well just how important the act of…

She uploaded a photo of her daughter on Facebook, and friends and relatives wrote worriedly

When one mom took a photo of her daughter at the funfair, she had no idea that the image would soon go viral and cause a stir at…

Woman’s Facebook Post Goes Viral After Burger King Employee Does This At The Drive-thru

A woman’s Facebook post about an odd encounter with a Burger King employee has gained a lot of attention. A Texan named Rebecca Boening, claimed that when she…

Unemployed dad with disturbing face tattoo begs for job on Facebook after searching for months

In this amazing tale of the power of social media, Mark Cropp, a young man New Zealand, found himself at a crossroads after serving a two-year, three-month sentence…