Former host of ‘The view’ shares her negative experience with Jennifer Lopez – ‘deeply unpleasant’

There has been a lot of speculation on Jennifer Lopez’s personal and professional life as of late. The singer and actress has been under media scrutiny since early…

Late Titanic star Bill Paxton revealed true feelings about his own fearful experience of submersible dive for movie

The movie Titanic was perhaps one of the biggest films in history. The film, which was inspired by real-life events, is one of the most loved movies by…

Karen Valentine, the star of Room 222, recalls an ‘awful’ experience she had on The Dating Game

Karen Valentine recalls the bumpy path that led her to her award-winning role as a student turned teacher in the hit TV series Room 222. Catapulting her into…

Blind bride blindfolds wedding guests so they can experience life in her shoes

A stunning bride who tragically went blind as a teenager chose to surprise her wedding guests with a pretty unique experience, and she has since gone viral. British…