My neighbor requested that I care for her 6 children – I called children services a couple of hours after she left

Taking to the Reddit community, a woman wanted to know if she had been in the wrong for contacting Child Services after the mother of six dropped them…

After this couple grew apart, the wife found a note in her husband’s pocket at his funeral – what happens next will shock you

Christie and Alex had been married for over a decade, but they never had children. Instead, they poured all their energy into their careers during this time, but…

Christine Brown And David Woolley Are Officially a Married Couple: “A Fairy Tale Wedding Come True”

In a heartwarming celebration of love, Christine Brown and David Woolley exchanged vows and became an officially married couple on October 7th. Surrounded by 330 guests, they had…

Prince William spends morning by Kate’s bedside after her sudden hospitalization – fans pray for the couple

Royal fans the world over had a momentary episode of panic earlier this week when it was suddenly announced that Kate Middleton had undergone abdominal surgery. The news,…

100 and 102-year-old couple falls in love in nursing home, ties the knot

A couple meets, falls head-over-heels in love, and only months later they’re at the courthouse tying the knot. It’s a familiar story—except in this case, we’re not talking…

Couple has 3 sets of twins in 5 years after being told they can’t have kids, they all share the same birthday

Carrie and Craig Kosinski responded positively when a long-lost family friend requested them to watch her infant twins. Carrie and Craig offered to temporarily assume custody of the…

Couple shocked when they see ultrasound – then nurse states that it’s 1 in 15 million

Each time a child is born it is, of course, a miracle. It’s a unique event, not least for the happy parents. However, there are some births that…

A couple claims a restaurant charged them for ‘bad parenting’ – but then the owner shares what really happened.

Eating at a restaurant can be hard for parents. Sometimes, kids act up, and it makes the meal not fun for everyone there. This couple went through a…

Couple has 3 sets of twins in less than 5 years, but that’s not the craziest part of this story

When an old family friend contacted Carrie and Craig Kosinski and asked them if they could take care of her young twins, they said “yes.” Carrie and Craig…

Las Vegas couple doubled down with four sets of back-to-back multiples, all conceived naturally

While the chance of having quintuplets, triplets or twins is rare, the likelihood of having multiple multiples in one family is like hitting the baby jackpot. That’s what…