Couple found something that they thought was a common stone – at closer look, they realized its true value

Sometimes, valuable things hide in plain sight. A couple was taking a stroll when they came across what they thought was a rock. On closer inspection, it turned…

Brazilian woman in Colorado paralyzed from deadly bacteria, common pantry item suspected

A 23-year-old woman in Colorado is fighting for her life after she allegedly ate something that is found in most American pantries. The woman, originally from Brazil, was…

5 Common Relationship Habits That Destroy Your Relationship

A common misunderstanding is that if two perfect people meet, the relationship will last no matter what. But even if your relationship seems great, it can end if…

Arnold Schwarzenegger was detained at Munich airport due to common travel mistake

A source close to the actor described it as a “comedy of errors that would make a very funny cop movie.” Anyone who has flown internationally is likely…

California mom-of-3 has limbs amputated after eating common dish – heartbreaking image is a stark warning to all

A California woman’s tragic tale is gaining traction online after she was forced to have her limbs amputated as a result of contracting flesh-eating bacteria from eating bad…