Bill Clinton and Hillary have been married for 46 years – she rejected him twice before saying “I do”

Bill Clinton became one of the most famous people in the world when he was sworn in as US President in 1993. Since then, the Arkansas native has…

My Boyfriend Broke up with Me and Sent Me a Bill for Everything He ‘Spent on Me’

When Kyra discovers, by accident, that her boyfriend, Henry, has been cheating on her, she goes completely numb. Until he sends her an invoice for everything that he…

Late Titanic star Bill Paxton revealed true feelings about his own fearful experience of submersible dive for movie

The movie Titanic was perhaps one of the biggest films in history. The film, which was inspired by real-life events, is one of the most loved movies by…

My Boyfriend Demanded That I Give Him My Card to Pay Our Restaurant Bill

When Lisa earns her much-deserved promotion, she wants to go out and celebrate with her boyfriend, Troy. At the restaurant, Lisa learns that Troy just wants to put…

A waitress receives a ‘$0’ tip on a ‘$187’ bill – her furious Facebook post goes viral

If you or anyone you care about has ever worked in the service industry in the US, you’ll know all too well just how important the act of…

Waitress gets ‘$0’ tip on ‘$187’ bill – her angry Facebook post goes viral

If you or anyone you care about has ever worked in the service industry in the US, you’ll know all too well just how important the act of…

Woman sneaks out from the restaurant when her fiancé demands she pays the bill

Although the times we live in are modern and we’ve made a huge progress when it comes to the equality of pays between men and women, there are…


A woman had shared her story on Reddit. She had stated that her fiance wanted her to pay the restaurant bill of himself and his friends, as he…

Awkward Dining Moment – Mother-in-Law Insists I Cover the Entire Bill Due to My Large Steak Order

During a family dinner, a slender woman with a voracious appetite received criticism and reprimands from her mother-in-law for overindulging in food. The woman refused to pay the…

My In-Laws Invited Us to an Expensive Fancy Restaurant, Slid the Bill to My Husband and Me to Pay

A woman did not like the way her in-laws implied that she and her husband had to pay for their meals despite them sending the invites for dinner….