Funny story: Husband ask wife how many men she had been with

Is it wise to ask your wife with how many men she had sex? I don’t know – but the guy in this funny story decided to do…

When the elderly homeless man went to the police station to ask to take a shower, the police officers gave him a total makeover!

When the elderly homeless man went to the police station to ask to take a shower, the police officers gave him a total makeover! Officer Aaron Page stopped…

People ask her to stop posting images of her baby online every time she does so.

Most people use social media as their primary form of communication these days. It’s customary to send images of your children to friends and family so they can…

Teacher Gets The Most Ridiculous Answer And Would Have Be Smart Not To Ask The Question Again

In the following joke, we hear about a teacher who asked a student a question and when they didn’t get the answer they wanted, they began to ridicule…