Devastated Mom Wants to Adopt, Spots Girl at Adoption Agency Strikingly Similar to Her Late Daughter — Story of the Day

After losing her five-year-old daughter to cancer, a grieving mother finally makes a decision to adopt another child. But when a secret held by her estranged husband surfaces,…

Couple adopt unwanted ‘freak’ boy who was abandoned at birth – see him now

Across the world, there are more than one billion people living with a disability. In some countries, disabled children are treated like “freaks,” denied the opportunity to go…

This Girl, Whom Michael Jackson Wanted to Adopt a Child with & Liam Neeson Proposed to Twice, Married a ‘Funny’ Man

This girl started her career as a child model and had a complicated relationship with her mom, who also acted as her manager for some time. She once…

Man Refused to Adopt His Wife’s Two Kids after Spying on Her & Discovering Who Their Real Dad Was

A man married the woman of his dreams at 33 when she was 25. By the time they married, she was already a mom to two daughters. The…

Brother Wants To Adopt Little Sister After Dad Dies, But Wife Refuses, Claims He’s Choosing Sibling Over Marriage

A 28-year-old guy sought counsel from the Reddit community after being forced to choose between his wife and his recently orphaned 11-year-old sister in an attempt to reach…

Brother Wants to Adopt His Little Sister after Dad’s Death, Finds Out His Wife Is against It

After her husband’s father died, one woman refused to take her husband’s little sister in because she and her husband had agreed that they did not want to…