My Father Abandoned Me as a Child and I Took Revenge on Him – Story of the Day

Amanda’s father abandoned the family when she was merely an infant. She resented him throughout his life, and her anger resurfaced when she saw a photo of him…

My Parents Abandoned Me and My Younger Siblings When I Was 15 — Years Later They Knocked on My Door Smiling

Tori’s world shatters when her cruel parents abandon her and her two little brothers, leaving them to fend for themselves. Years later, just as she begins to rebuild…

My Mom Abandoned Me Right after Birth – 21 Years Later, My Grandma Gave Me Key from Her with Answers

For 25 years, I lived with the mystery of my mother’s sudden disappearance, but one day my grandmother showed up years later and revealed the heart-wrenching truth behind…

If you find an abandoned stroller at the roadside, here’s why you might want to wait before getting out of your vehicle

The world can be a frighteningly unpredictable place, full of danger and trouble for those not on their guard. It’s a sad truth that it remains the case…

Bus Driver Finds a Kid Abandoned in the Backseat, Claiming to Be His Son — Story of the Day

Jack had just finished his shift and parked his bus at the depot when he noticed a small boy in the back seat. Walking closer, he saw his…

Single Mom of 3 Adopts Twins Abandoned in Park, Their Birth Mother Shows up on Their 18TH Bday – Story of the Day

Twins Alan and Patrick were adopted by a single mother of three as babies. But on their 18th birthday, their birth mother showed up at the party and…

Dog abandoned outside shelter with heartbreaking note and tears in her eyes — soon she gets good news

It’s always very sad when dogs are abandoned — often you can just see the heartbreak on the poor dog’s face. But thankfully, there are also kind people…

Millionaire Accidentally Learns His Elderly Mother Lives in Old Abandoned Hothouse — Story of the Day

A millionaire discovers that his estranged elderly mother had been living in an old abandoned hothouse through a news piece on TV. After finding out about her, he…

Couple adopt unwanted ‘freak’ boy who was abandoned at birth – see him now

Across the world, there are more than one billion people living with a disability. In some countries, disabled children are treated like “freaks,” denied the opportunity to go…

Partially blind, emaciated dog found abandoned for the second time — soon gets a happy ending

A few months ago, a rescue found a dog in a heartbreaking state: after being abandoned, the dog was skeletally thin and huddling under leaves for warmth. But…