My Husband, Who Earns Less than Me, Forced Me to Take a Second Job — So I Chose One That’d Teach Him a Lesson

When Lisa’s husband, Tom, starts hounding her about getting a second job, she becomes suspicious of his reasoning. Finally, fed up with his nagging, Lisa gets a job. Once there, Lisa learns a horrible truth about her husband.

In our home, I’m the one who makes more money. It hadn’t been an issue before, but recently, my husband Tom has been pressuring me to take a second job.

“You don’t even leave the house to work, so you cannot possibly be as tired as I am at the end of the day,” Tom said.

“But you’re a mechanic, Tom,” I retaliated. “You run your own business. And you take three days off just because you have people to do the job.”

“Let’s just table this conversation,” he said dismissively.

“Fine,” I said. “I’ll look around.”

My husband looked as though Christmas had come early.

“Good,” he said. “That settles it.”

I watched as he picked up his plate and left it on the kitchen counter, not even trying to empty the rest of the food into the garbage.

If he wanted me to find a second job, I would. But I knew that he would hate what I had in mind.

The next day, as Tom left for work, he popped his head into my home office.

“Don’t forget to start looking for a job,” he said. “And try harder with my work overalls, Lisa. There are some grease stains that refuse to come out. It’s embarrassing.”

With that, he walked out.

“Goodbye to you, too,” I muttered as he walked away.

Then, I went onto the bowling alley website. It was the place that Tom and his friends played at. I had always wondered why they frequented the little place because it was dark and unwelcoming to me.

“Oh, come on, Lisa,” Jill said. “We both know that Tom and Marcus go for the waitresses in the short dresses.”

Marcus was Tom’s best friend, and Jill was his wife. Once, we had all been invited to the bowling alley for the venue’s anniversary, and after Jill and I saw the place, we never went back.

My plan was simple: get a job at the bowling alley for the night shifts and make my husband jealous enough to regret his suggestion.

On my first day at the bowling alley, a Wednesday, which was the weekly bowling night for Tom and his friends, I asked him if he was going bowling.

“Are you going to the bowling alley tonight? Do you want to have dinner at home before you go?” I asked casually, as I made some breakfast.

“Yeah, probably,” he said, not looking up from his phone. “Make some fish and chips or something like that.”

“Fine,” I said with a smile. “See you there!”

His eyes finally met mine, confusion flickering across his face, but he shrugged it off.

“Oh, you have no idea what you’re in for,” I said to myself as he walked out the door.

That evening, I arrived at the bowling alley in my new uniform: a tight, short dress that left little to the imagination. I couldn’t imagine that my husband would be fine with me wearing such a thing.

“I’m sorry about the uniform,” Ursula, the manager, said. “I’ve tried to make changes and even add stockings or leggings to it, but the owner is adamant that it stay like this.”

“That’s just a sick thought,” I said.

I tended the drink stall, occasionally leaning over to fry the miniature donuts that were quite popular among the teenagers bowling away.

I saw Tom arrive alone and start playing by himself. As the first hour went by and the teenagers began to leave to meet their curfews, the men began to get rowdy. As expected, the men began to hit on me.

Finally, my husband spotted me, his eyes darkening as he watched the attention.

“What the hell, Lisa?” Tom stormed over, eyes blazing. “What are you doing?”

“I’m working, Tom,” I said with a smirk. “You wanted me to get a second job, remember?”

“This isn’t what I meant!” he yelled.

“Well, I’m getting great tips,” I retorted.

My husband’s jaw clenched.

“Quit. Now,” he barked.

“We need the money,” I said, walking away to serve another table.

Tom went back to bowling, not wanting to cause a bigger scene. But I knew that the moment my shift was over, he would be back on the topic.

He kept glancing at me every few minutes.

About halfway through my shift, Ursula approached me.

“Is he bothering you too?” she asked, nodding toward Tom.

“What do you mean?” I asked, puzzled.

Ursula sighed a deep sigh.

“That man has seduced almost all the waitresses here. One even had his child two weeks ago. I heard that she’s after him for child support now. Apparently she did a paternity test to prove it and all.”

I knew that Ursula had no idea that I was married to Tom, so there wasn’t a need to lie or mask the truth. What she had just told me was a version of Tom that I didn’t know existed.

So, that’s why he wanted me to get a second job. He wanted me to pay for his child support.

I marched over to Tom, ignoring the eyes of the other patrons.

“You’re a disgusting human!” I screamed, slapping him hard across the face.

“What the hell, Lisa?” he yelled, holding his cheek.

“You’ve been involved with the waitresses here?! And one just had your baby?” I spat, tears streaming down my face.

Tom’s face went pale.

“I can explain,” he stammered.

“I don’t care,” I said. “I don’t want to hear it. You will pack your things and get out tonight. Tomorrow, I will file for divorce.”

I stormed out of the bowling alley, my heart shattered. Who was the man that I had married?

What would you have done?

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